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running for the Democratic District Leader in district 74 part A in the East Village/ Loisaida/ and parts of the Lower East Side. 

His life experiences and background make him the most qualified person to represent the Lower East Side. Francisco is a native son of the Lower East Side/Loisaida, having grown up in affordable housing. and still resides in the same apartment. He is a CommUnity leader, activist and father and was a first responder for 9/11, Superstorm Sandy and Puerto Rico's Hurricane Maria. During Covid his office at 428 East 10th Street served as headquarters and clearing house for organizations involved with distributing food, PPE's and clothing and offering Covid vaccinations to residents of the neighborhood. Francisco is also a NYS Chaplain, which informs his passion for and commitment to his beloved neighborhood.


To address Food Insecurity, Francisco founded the popular Loisalda CommUnity Refrigerator and Pantry on E. 9th Street and Ave B. As a Junior Board Member of the Girls Club, he helped with their food pantry during the pandemic.


In the area of Economic Development, Francisco is Founder, @LES.sba, the Lower East Side Small Business Alliance, for businesses in the East Village, Loisaida Wellness Collective  

and Two Bridges      , and is a Board Member of the East Village Independent Merchant Assn (EVIMA) in conjunction with Cooper Square Committee. He also worked with Save Our Storefronts (SOS) to secure $2 billion in small business loans for local businesses.


Francisco is CEO, Lower East Side CommUnity Concerns (LESCC19), a grassroots 501c3       nonprofit.


• Addressing the health and welfare of his neighbors, Francisco is Co-Founder, Loisaida Wellness Collective, which provides alternative healthcare to the underserved LES population.


District Leaders are responsible for recommending poll workers and representing the district before the NY County Democratic Committee. But beyond this, Francisco is committed to affordable and fair housing, equal opportunity and educating residents of their rights. Voter registration and getting out the vote are key to empowerment. A vote for Francisco Gonzalez is a vote for putting the Unity back in Community.

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